Sunday, June 20, 2010

19 Jun 2010 Kenya

Today was a day of service and seeing what Mission of Hope is doing from their main office. We learned that the system of dependency must be broken but a hand up is still needed. I find the men the saddest and most in need of hope, but the least interested in getting hope. Please pray for the men of Kenya and the men of America that they will "man up" for Jesus. Here are some of the pictures from today.

Friday, June 18, 2010


The team is working together well. The kids are playing in the halls right now after a larger VBS and 308 patients cared for. On the Shining the Light brigade people are being stretched out of their comfort zones. However, it is where much of the excitement is. People are coming to faith in Jesus Christ for the first time. God is working through His people and in His people.